No, This is not Tom Cruise.
About George.
George is an actor that knew his whole life that acting is what he had to be doing. He was in Joseph and The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat in 5th grade for community theater and hopes that wasn't the peak of his trajectory. George graduated with a BFA in Theater from NYU Tisch at The New Studio on Broadway. He loved it. While there he studied with Alec Baldwin, Kent Gash, Orlando Pabotoy, Robert O'Hara, and many other life changing professors. After graduation he produced and acted in the plays Tape by Stephen Belber and Small Engine Repair by John Pollono in New York City. He wants to be doing plays by Tennessee Williams, Neil Labute, Theresa Rebeck and David Ives on Broadway and be a series regular for an HBO drama.
"Acting. Wow." - George Carpenter
Upcoming Work
We Are Proud to Present a Presentation About the Herero of Namibia, Formerly Known as Southwest Africa, From the German Südwestafrika, Between the Years 1884-1915
By Jackie Sibblies Drury
Directed by Caitlin Lopez
A group of actors gather to tell the little-known story of the first genocide of the 20th century. We Are Proud to Present … follows a group of idealistic actors they test the limits of empathy as their own stories, subjectivities, assumptions and prejudices catalyze their theatrical process. Eventually the full force of a horrific past crashes into the good intentions of the present, and what seemed a faraway place and time comes all too close to home.
George will be portraying Actor 1
Baker Theater
April 11th (Preview)
April 12th, 13th (Talkback), 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th (Talkback), 20th @ 8PM & 20th @ 2PM
Hate Love
Written and directed by George Carpenter
Two people meet. They hate. They love. They act. They open portals in space and time.
Shows will be February 7th-10th in The Hahne Theater at Ohio University.
For tickets please contact:
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Come see all three casts for the full experience.